Many of us don’t work standard 9:00 am – 5:00 pm jobs. We may work overnight shifts, teach evening classes or work weekends. Restaurants don’t keep standard banker’s hours and sometimes, banks don’t either. I’m not sure that a standard 9:00 am – 5:00 pm job exists any more. Even the office jobs, with a desk and a window aren’t really 9:00 am – 5:00 pm. They seem to be more like 8:00 am – 6:00 pm or later, depending how the day goes.
Toss in a lack of paid sick time and / or paid vacation time off, which is how it goes with many jobs, and people cannot take time off work to deal with the mundane tasks of adulthood which must be accomplished during standard business hours.
Now, imagine, it’s something time critical that needs to be accomplished and you don’t have adequate time off, or you are in the middle of a project at work that must be completed. Imagine that something has to do with your health and wellbeing. Imagine it has to do with pregnancy. If you can’t take time off work to deal with an unwanted or medically unsafe pregnancy, what choice do you have?
Late-night services:
Hopefully, you’ll be able to find a late night abortion clinic 11354 to provide the services which you need. You may need a consultation and a morning after pill. You may need an appointment for birth control or family planning services. You may need private abortion services or clinic abortion services, depending on your medical needs and how far along into pregnancy you may be.
As luck would have it, our office in Queens, NYC now offers our full services in our new late night abortion clinic 11354 hours. This is to better serve you, our patients. We know your time is valuable and your schedule may not be compatible with standard business hours.
Critical timing:
We also know that with abortion services, time is a critical component for each of the different procedures or medications. Each of them has their own timeframe as to when they can be utilized safely and appropriately. If you need to wait for weeks to get an appointment that might fit your schedule or wait for your employer to edit your hours to allow for some time off, you may miss your window of opportunity for certain options.
Our late night abortion clinic 11354 at Queens Gynecology Services solves all of these problems. This grants you, the patient, more complete access to our comprehensive care. The freedom of choice applies to all aspects of abortion services, including the time of day for your appointment.
For more information or to schedule an appointment at Queens Gynecology Services call (718)-779-2666.
104-08 Roosevelt Avenue, 2nd Floor,
Corona, NY 11368
(718) 779-2666